Devon Windsor, who rose to fame through her modeling for Victoria’s Secret, claims that she did not mean to sound insensitive with statements she recently made on the subject of race and diversity in an episode of Model Squad.
According to her, the editors were to blame as the way the video was arranged made her comments sound inappropriate, whether intentionally or not.
The comments in question were made in a discussion on racial hardships, in which Windsor chimed in to explain that she had also suffered from various similar problems in her life, despite being white.
Windsor stated: “No, we all go through hardships. I literally went through hell and literally lived in different countries every other month and didn’t speak that language, didn’t speak Paris, didn’t speak Italian, and I did that for like two years.”
She gave examples of her time spent in various countries where she did not speak the language well enough, something which was not received well by viewers of the show, or even her partners in conversation — mainly Ping Hue.
Hue went on to attempt to correct Windsor, stating that the issues were not really relatable, provoking an outburst from Windsor who claimed that it was very difficult to be blonde because she “had to get a highlight every month.”
Now, Windsor is claiming that she did not mean that statement seriously, and it was taken out of context due to poor editing.
While it is possible that she was making a tongue-in-cheek joke, there is no denying that the conversation was already steering in a questionable direction thanks to her previous statements.
Whether this is simply an attempt to cover her tracks is impossible to tell, but to her credit, she is at least showing remorse over the incident and has apologized publicly.