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After being accused of animal cruelty for the alleged act of having a threesome with their dog, Bubba, a former Aurora, Colorado couple has decided to plead guilty to their current charges.
The case describes a particularly disturbing example of animal cruelty, with the couple having prepared a special “sex chamber” for the purpose of abusing the animal and having their way with it.
The charges are different for each partner, with the male, Frederick Blue Manzanares, facing two separate charges of animal cruelty that could lead to a total of 36 months in jail if he is handed the maximum sentence. The 51-year-old man will know his sentence on October 16.
Meanwhile, his ex-girlfriend, Janette Solano, is facing a single charge of animal abuse for her role in the incident. Solano was able to obtain a deferred sentence for the 18 months she faces in jail.
The two are reportedly no longer together after Solano claimed that she had been pressured into the disgusting act by her partner, explaining that she was reluctant about the whole thing from the start.
Whether this has had any impact on her situation in court is not currently known, but it is likely that it could be a factor which can lead to a reduction in her sentence if it is provable in court.
It was actually Solano who alerted the police in March 2017 to what was going on, claiming that she was pushed over the top by her partner’s requests to “have an open mind,” and she wanted to do the right thing. The initial call was about domestic violence.
However, because she still engaged in a sexual act with the animal in the end, she is not going to be able to away from this incident without any charges. Until 2007, bestiality was not considered a crime in the state of Colorado.
The woman has wait until September 17 for the judge to accept a plea deal offer that is currently on the table for her.